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Performing musicians, whether instrumental or vocal, may have excellent technique, however their interpretation will depend on a number of circumstances: their sensitivity and insights at the moment of performance, instructions and guidance from the leader or conductor, or sometimes will be influenced by the current fashion or cultural orientations.

Musicians’ performance may be quite acceptable, but may fail to touch the audience due to the lack of conceptual and analytical understanding of the music they play, or, in other words, a failure to deliver «eloquent musical speech».

MBC for performers is a unique method combining the essentials of Emotional Freedom Technique (Chinese acupuncture points with modern psychology), music-therapy and sonology conceived to remove mental and emotional blockages often related to stress while performing.

It is designed as an aid to help you with important or difficult performances such as competition or examinations.

I started playing oboe at the age of 8, under the guidance of Monsieur Roland Dufrane, a great Belgian oboist and teacher. When at first oboe class he told me: “I’m not going to teach you how to play oboe,” I was shocked. Then he continued: “ I’m going to teach you how to study playing oboe.” I thank him deeply for what he has taught me during my early studies. He was very thorough with detail, and he opened my ears and eyes to music.

I left my parents home at the age of 14 to play my first concert as soloist with a symphonic orchestra. My teacher called me and said: “You will go to play in my place. I don’t want to travel (900 km North) anymore, and you can do it well”. So I practiced and applied what I’ve learnt. The concerts were great. It was a totally new experience for me.

Rafael PalaciosAbout Rafael Palacios

Rafael Palacios is an international musician, oboist, conductor and professor with a first-class reputation in the rhetorical performance practice. He works regularly in Europe, Asia and Latin America helping professional musicians develop their performing skills, and to deliver their messages to selected audiences.

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